Friday 13 September 2013

Chocolate Bars

You can use anything as a mold if it’s made of plastic. Metal molds will work, but you will need to temper the chocolate, which shrinks the chocolate slightly when cooled so the bars will slip out of the metal molds.
It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly how much chocolate you’ll need. But as an example, for the 4 bars I made, I used about 8 ounces (230g). But the good news is that you can just melt what you think you might need, then any leftover chocolate can be poured on a sheet of parchment paper or plastic wrap and left to cool to be reused for another baking project.
1. Melt the chocolate in a clean, dry bowl set over a pan of barely simmering water. If you want to temper the chocolate (see above.) While the chocolate is melting, gather and prepare any ingredients you want to put on the bars.
2. Once the chocolate is melted, (and tempered, if tempering the chocolate), remove the bowl from the pan and wipe the moisture off the bottom of the bowl.
3. Pour or spoon a layer of chocolate into your molds. Rap them on the counter a few times to distribute the chocolate evenly and release any air bubbles, then working quickly, top with any kinds of nuts, dried fruits, or other ingredients that you wish and press them in slightly.
(You can also stir ingredients into the chocolate, such as toasted nuts, seeds, crisped rice cereal, snipped marshmallows, or other ingredients, then pour the mixture into the molds.)
4. Immediately put the bars in the refrigerator until firm. If tempered chocolate is used, it shouldn’t take more than five minutes for them to firm up. Otherwise the chocolate will take longer.

Tempered bars can be stored at room temperature for up to one month; if using regular melted chocolate, store the bars the refrigerator until ready to eat.

What is the chocolate?

Chocolate is a confection made from cacao beans, the seeds of the cacao plant. There are a large number of products made from it on the market, from powdered cocoa for making drinks to white chocolate, and most markets carry a cross-section of confections for their customers. In addition to being available at general markets and grocery stores, chocolate can also be purchased from specialty companies which make luxury and distinctive confections.

Making chocolate is a time consuming process. Cacao plants are grown on plantations in South America, where the plant is native, and in parts of Africa. There are actually several varieties of cacao plant, all of which produce chocolates with slightly different flavors, and the flavor is also impacted by where the plant it grown, how it is handled after harvest, and how it is processed. Companies invest a great deal of money in developing ideal blends of cacao beans to create the flavors their consumers are used to.

Cacao beans grow in large pods which are harvested once they ripen and then allowed to ferment. Initially, the cacao beans are extremely bitter; the fermentation process softens the bitterness, allowing producers to move on the next steps, roasting and hulling. Roasting helps to develop the flavor of the beans, while shelling exposes the cacao nibs, the portion of the bean which has all the flavor.


The bell rang. It’s playtime… I watched kids for along time. I picked up my items on the table and i went the teachersroom. It was free. I looked clock and i started work my project. I was free untill a half hours, i didn't have any lesson. By the way i'm a teacher and writer.
I picked up my items with the pell rang and i went class. I comming firstly this class. We worked full this lesson. School finished, i came home. I have a horse and a cat. They looking outside at window. Perhaps they waiting me. I gave their meals, i turn television. The television talking about kidnapped. He was 12 years old and a boy. His name was George… I felt shivered my phone. It came a message. By my brother, ‘you may put in the kid’. Perhaps he watching news too. Hey one minute! It’s a great idea! I may put in the kid really!

I published my book after long works, its name: Kidnapped. That's just a part...

A 12-year-old child got lost last week. He was last seen near the river, playing football with some boys. His mother was shocked when he didn’t come home in the evening. She phoned John, the boy’s father, and told him that George, the boy, wasn’t home. He came home immediately. They called the police. Then they phoned Howard, George’s classmate, and asked him where George was. He didn’t know. “We were playing football by the river this afternoon. I didn’t see him after that”, he said. Then the police arrived and they went to the riverside. George was searched every where. But he wasn’t found. Neither John nor Mary could sleep until the morning. Mary cried all night long. In the morning, John went to work earlier than usual. He talked to the boss and told him about what happened. “Please let me go, Mr. Spark. I must find my child.”. Mr. Spark, the boss, was an understanding man. So, John was allowed to go.He left for the police station. On the way, he was given a note by a man. John didn’t know the man. He was wearing a black cloak. The man gave him the note and ran away. John wanted to follow him but he also wanted to read the note. What was written on the note?We have your child. You must give us money. We want 10.000 dollars. We will call you later. Don’t tell the police!John panicked. He didn’t know what to do. Then he began to walk to the police station. Suddenly his telephone rang. He was called by the man who gave him the note. The man said, “You were told not to go to the police!” John’s panic increased. He was followed by that man. He went to the park and sat on a bench.

He called Mary. She answered immediately.

-   What happened John? Is George found?

-    No dear. Unfortunately not. I was given a note by a man. It says that George is kidnapped. They are asking for 10.000 dollars. Do you hear me? Mary! Mary!Mary didn’t answer because she swooned when she heard the news. John understood his mistake. “I am stupid” he said to himself. But he had to talk to someone. He needed help. Then he called his brother who was a police officer.

-   Hello Bill. This is John, your brother.

-    Hello John. How are you?

-   We have a problem, Bill. George is kidnapped.

-  What? Kidnapped? How do you know?

-   I was given a note ten minutes ago. It says they kidnapped George. They want 10.000 dollars.

-  That is terrible. Have you told the police?

-   No. I was going to the police but I was phoned by that man. He told me to stop. I am followed. I can’t go to the police. Can you help me?

-   Of course I can. I will call the local police and tell them. They will help you.Bill phoned the local police station. Then they began to listen to John’s telephone. The man could call him again. Half an hour later, the man did call George.

-  Hello. It’s me again. Have you got the money?

-   No. I haven’t. I am not a rich man.

-   You can ask your boss. He is a rich man.

-   He would not give me the money. That is a lot of money.

-  I will call you again two hours later. Go and find the money! Or you won’t see your child again.It was not a long talk. But the police was able to find where the man was. They immediately sent a team of experienced policemen to the spot. The man was caught. Then he was taken to the police station. The police questioned him.

-  Where is the child?

- What child? I don’t know what you are talking about.The policeman was very angry. He hit the man hard on the face. The man’s nose was broken. Then he began to speak.

-  Well. Don’t hit me again, please. I will tell you everything. This was a game. The child is not kidnapped. He is in our house. My name is Henry. I am Howard’s father. Howard is George’s classmate. Yesterday the two children came home at about 5 o’clock. When I saw them together, I thought that we could play a game. I needed a lot of money. With this game I could find the money. I talked to the children about it. They liked the game too. Of course I didn’t tell them about the money. We made a plan. George did not go home. When his mother called, Howard lied to her. “I didn’t see him” he said. I didn’t call Mr. John that night because I wanted them to panic. Then today I went up to John and gave him a note. Then I telephoned him. That is all. Another team of policemen was sent to Henry’s house. John went with them. They searched the house. George was found. John was very happy. He called Mary;

-  Hello dear. It’s me. Good news!

-  Hello John. Is George found?

-  Yes. George is found. George is found!Henry was tried. He was found guilty. Then he was put in jail.After that event, John always drove George to school in the morning and back home in the evening.
