Thursday 24 April 2014

A Long Travel 3 Part 3

When i opened my eyes, i thought 'The light is so much!' I swallowed. I felt so thirsty. "Water..." just i could said this. I felt myself like I was crushed by a turck. When I started to think more clearly, I noticed i was a room in hospital. The room was white and clean. And a nurse was looking on a dozen of papers.

 She notices i woke up and said "Have a nice day Miss Çetin. Do you remember the accident?" She was about twenty-five and blond. She had a smile like she'll never give up. "Yes, I remember. May i take some water and aspirin?" I said her with a sleepy voice. She smiled again, "Sure." said and gave me a glass of water and an aspirin. I drank them. She said "The policemen'll come here. Are you OK or do you want from me dismiss them? They can come here again after two or three hours." The best is to do and to save. "They may come. I'm OK." The nurse went out. I took a deep breath and I said myself "You can do everything. Just want." When two policemen came in, I was feeling better.

They introduced me theirselves. "Hi, I'm Thomas Gray, and this my assistant Ethan Walton. I hope you're fine?" He said that like an question. Was i fine? I wasn't sure. "Yes, I think so." The assistant asked me, "Can you tell us the accident?". Suddenly i felt myself so tired. And i had a headache. I hate aches. "Yes. I was walking on the sidewalk and I heard a horn voice. Then a black, sport car striked me. I fell ground. That's all." I looked the assistant who was wiriting my every speech on a notebook. He was seeming understanding. I hated him. He couldn't understand me. That headache was incrediable! Nobody couldn't get it! "Could you see its license plate?" said Thomas Gray. He was about forty. He had grey hair. I told them everything that i know. Why couldn't they get it? "No" I said with a dry voice. I was really tired and i want to finish this interrogation. Thomas Gray asked me more and more questions. After half an hour,  they went and i took a relaxing breath. I need to rest. I closed my eyes and didn't think anything. I didn't have energy for to think.

 I didn't know how long time pass, I opened my eyes because of the nurse's thouching. She gave me some medicines that i guessed they're aspirin. After I drank them she told me i could go when i want. I smiled but I was very tired and i didn't sure that i could go to the hotel without i get lost. "I want to stay here one more night." The nurse said i could and went out. Again i closed my eyes and saw a dream but this time i was feeling better, i  think because of aspirins.

In my dream there was a child who was about eight. We were in a forest and running. She was running in front of me. She stopped and asked "Did you lose anything?". I don't know why but i said "Yes, i lost." I noticed there was a box in her hands and when i saw it, i don't know how it happened but i understood that was my lost stuf. I woke up when i bent to take it.
When i got up, it was about eleven. I stood up. The room was very stuffy. I openned the window.

There was a wonderful scene. Fullmoon settled in sky's top. I took deeply a fresh breath. That was my second day in London and i proved that i'm the luckiest person all around the world. I went to end table that my phone was on it. I called my mumy and I told her everything. Of course she didn't believe i was OK. And she said "I'm coming there right now!" I made her calm very hardly. How i could forget quickly, my mum is always too anxious. Whatever, when she was calmly, she didn't know but she made me too tired. I went to bed and i fell asleep.

A Long Travel 3 Part 2

I bought a ticket and i waited for five or six minutes. The boat came and passengers got off. They were smiling and this made me excited. My turn came. I got on the boat and my travel started. The boat was going on River Thomas. It was very beautiful a river. I loved river's fresh smell and its scene. I took a lot of photos of the River.

Everybody got off in the Greenland Pier Stop. But I stayed because I'm foreign here and i don't know very well ways. I don't want to get lost on my first day here.

 The boat turned back to the Festival Pier stop and again to the Greenland Pier. I got off in the Festival Pier Stop. I was smiling when i got off like the other passengers. The River had a magical effect on the passengers. I looked my camera and i smiled again. I really liked being here. I thought my mother. She said "You'll like being there. I know you honey." My sweet mum, of course you know me better than i know. I took a deep breath. The days of i'll be herre won't be long.
I started to walk. I heard a loud voice: A horn voice. Everything happened so fast. I saw a black and sport car. After i saw it I fell ground.

 I could see everything but couldn't feel anything, any pain. I could just hear people's loud voice. A man shouted "CALL 911!" A woman said with a calmer voice "I'm a doctor! Don't thouch the girl, Anybody!" and i lost my vision ability. When i fell into darkness, I started to feel pain. It was too strong and i lost my thought ability too. I tried to open my eyes but the darkness was so heavy.