Friday 29 November 2013

A Long Travel

Chapter 1
(Everything started with my mum’s buying a ticket for England.)
Dear Pessimistic,
Last week my mother said that ‘You should go to overseas because you need experience, i think your English level will be better than present.’ I never think about that until today because i think it’s craziness. I never go to anywhere without my mother! I’m too addicted to my home and my mother! I know you’ll say ‘what happened today?’ I say, today i went to school and came back, i did my homeworks innocently. Then my sweet mother came from work. When she came, she was smiling. And she said ‘I have a suprise, i think you’ll like it!’ I was curious. ‘What, what is it mumy?’ She smiled subtly. ‘After dinner honey, i’m too hungry!’ I couldn’t be patient, you know Pess i’m always impatient. Whatever; my mother ate dinner and it was time to learn news. ‘Sueda today i took a ticket to England it’s in three days at 3 pm.’ She was calm and i was shocked. Pessimistic in your opinion what should i do? I mean should i go or shouldn’t i go? It is 11 pm. I should sleep. I think morning with clean mind, i can decide more easily.
(After two days, my mother comes my room in the morning.)
My Mother: ‘Time to wake up my sleepy doughter!’
Me: Mom, 5 more minutes…
My Mother: No, i know very well these 5 minutes! And also we have to prepare your suitcase! We are too late!
Me (with a sleeply voice) : For what mumy? I think for sleep…
My Mother: Do you forget Sueda? Your plane’s flying 7 hours later?
Is it a joke?


  1. sitenizi çok beğendim ve baya geliştirilmiş devamını bekleriz...

    1. kardeşim cokk begendımm :) başarıların devamını dılerım

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