Thursday 5 December 2013

A Long Travel 2

Chapter 2
(My mother and i are at the airport. My plane is ready to departure.)
Me: Mom you may go i can stay alone also i’ll be alone in there.
My Mother: Because of that Sueda, i don’t want to leave you already!
My mother seems sad, i thought ‘was she regretful?’ She is just as addicted to me as i'm to her. But when she gave the ticket, she was relaxed. Maybe she was just srtaring to realize? I took a deep breath. I think i was just starting to realize…  
(After 4 hours, when i arrived in Londra, i was too excited. It is 7 pm.)
Heatrow airport was too big. I was afraid that to get lost. I took a deeply breath and i said to myself ‘Be brave’ I found a bus. The bus’s name is National Express. You must get used to it here. You are in the UK. The bus is not big it’s medium-sized. I was going to  hotel with the bus. When i was going, i was looking out of the window. I wasn’t accustomed to here, to be in a overseas. Where are you mumy? I miss you so much already!
I came to my stop, i entered the hotel. The hotel's name is Double Tree by Hilton London-West End. The hotel was too big. I rented a room for a month. It is 8. Am i ready for this adventure? It doesn’t matter anymore. I can’t go back. The people are cold. Where are you my warm nation's people? I took a guide about London. I planned places that i’ll go tomorrow. To have a plan is good. You know what you should do or you shouldn’t do… It’s 10 pm. It was such a tiring day. I don’t know how this long month  will pass?.. I fell asleep with this thought.


  1. go on writing in your pessimist diary until it becomes optimistic:)

  2. i hope too, it'll be one day :)
