Wednesday 18 December 2013

A Long Travel 3 Part 1

Chapter 3

(First day in the UK)
I woke up with the hitting sunlight to my face. It was sunny and warm, in fact... hot. Today is my first day in the UK. I don't want to spend all my time in hotel. If i came here, i must spend all my time in the best way possible. Yesterday evening i wrote at a
paper about that everything i'll do tomorrow. I took that paper. Likely i'm going to London Big Ben. I've never seen Big Ben. Then i'm going to Hyde Park and i'll turn back. They're enough for my first day in the UK. And also i'm here because of my mum's thought 'Your English level will be better there than present.' so i must have practice, it doesn't mean i must travel. I think my day's starting. I was prepared and i went out. I had a blue backpack on my back, i was holding a guide and i have a photgraph machine on my neck. I was lacking only "I AM A TOURIST" sign on my forehead . I think i should wear a t-shirt that writing 'I'm not a toursit' on it.

 I could understand people's thoughts in their eye. I think they're too cold. I never say because they are my nationality but Turkish people are really warm people. If i get lost, i can find my home easily because they are so helpful. But here is... If you've any accent, people are looking comically to you. I think i'll use metro today. The UK has a really big metro network. "If you're new here,  you shouldn't forget 'your hotel should be near to metro network'. " I read this sentences on the net but i couldn't understand; i understand barely, it is important to stay in a hotel near the metro network. Because you can go everywhere with highway. I got on the metro. I was trying to memorize the London map. After a short time i looked at the screen, i saw in  which stop the metro is. I'll get off Westminster Stop but the metro is at Embankment Stop. I mean i lost my stop. I got off right away. I was trying to understand where i am. It was too difficult for me but finally i found where i am. I just missed a stop. 'It isn't a problem, i can find my way.' I need to go ahead but there is a boat across the bridge. I went Jubille Bridge and i saw Festival Pier. I thought "It isn't so important if i exchange the program for once. I'm the boss, right?" Whatever, when i went to the Festival Pier, i saw a lot of people in the river boat. The pier is used for summer leisure cruises between Westminster and Greenwich opperated by City Cruises. I looked my map and thought my plans. And i said, 'whose care?'.

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