Sunday 4 May 2014

A Long Travel 5

I woke up with a wet touching on my face. When I opened  my eyes, i saw Ghost's happy face. It was vigorous and healty. I hugged my sweet and clumsy dog. I thought it should be starve. I stood up and went to bathroom. I washed my hands and face. I opened the sallon's window. When i put on ground its food it barked. This was its love words. I had my breakfast. While i was drinking my tea, Ghost just finished its breakfast. My room was in the uppest floor. I went to terrace. The scene was incredible! The sun was rising yet. The sky was reddish still. I took Ghost out. We went on a morning walk. There wasn't anybody on the way. We walked and walked. When our walking finished, we sat a bank in the St James Park. In fact the park away from the hotel just ten minutes but we walked around.

 I was strave. I thought, i lost all my breakfast's calories. "Let's go a cafe for lunch Ghost!" We went a cafe named 'Cafe Mediterranee'.  I had my lunch but Ghost wasn't hungry so it didn't eat anything. The cafe was in the Buckingham Gate Road. We went out and turned right. We walked ahead and the Westminster Bridge was in front of us. After we passed the bridge, The Florence Nightingale Museum appeared.

 I paid £7.00 to enter into the museum. There was a lot of stuff inside.

 The museum wasn't crowded so much.

I read the guide because i didn't know anything the museum. It was telling me these:
"The Victorians
Florence Nightingale is one of the most famous Victorians. Queen Victoria reigned from 1837 to 1901, the longest reigning British monarch to date. She was the figurehead of a vast empire and oversaw dramatic changes in British society. During this time Britain saw a great expansion of wealth, power, and culture.
The British Empire covered a fifth of the globe and as Britain prospered and large industrial towns and cities grew, the lives of ordinary men and women changed dramatically. It was the age of steam and technological advancement, and also radical advances in education, social welfare, politics, medicine and health care."

The museum about the 1st World War. It was a real museum. There were everything, paintings, candle sculptures, clothes about that century.

 But i loved nursing uniform and candle scluptrues and nurses's photos and its decoration. In fact i adored everything in the museum.

Museum was brillant but i couldn't stand to stay in a close place. We went out a short time later. We got on a train.

There was a screen in the train. The screen was showing the stop's names. Normally i got off the train in St James Park Stop. But i didn't want to go to the hotel. Because of this, i was looked for something to not go to the hotel.  We passed my stop. I looked Ghost. And i remembered it didn't eat lunch. I hit my forehead. I press to the button for to get off. It was Hyde Park Corner Stop. I entered a supermarket and bought a small size of dog food and a plastic case. I sat a bank in front of the supermarket and put its lunch in the case on the ground. While it was eating, I was watching environment. There was a giant park near here. It was seeming brillant. I really wanted to go there.

After it had lunch, I directed Ghost to the park. I was curious where it is. We went there and i learnt it is usually close to the public. But The Palace is open during August and September. I was really lucky. Date was 11th August 2014. I entered inside and i saw i was right. Here was like a part of paradise in the world.

 Here was full of plants flowers and fresh air.

It was cold but i could stay here untill i die. There wasn't any enoughly word to tell the scene's excellent. It was unique i was sure that.

The Garden was incredible like it wasn't surround by concrete forests.

After we tasted the fresh air and watched those beautiful scenes, we went out. I was eating ice cream on way that i bought in garden. The weather was cold and ice cream too. That wasn't very logical but that was very funny and sweet.

We arrived the hotel. When i came in the room, i felt mmyself so tired. In Istanbul i never go out. I always prefer to stay at home but I came here to learn English and this is possible by going out, talking with people. I lied on my bed. I fell asleep. Today i learnt fresh air is  tiring.

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