Sunday 4 May 2014

A Long Travel 6

I was feeling worse after i talked with my mumy. I missed her too much. Here was too foreign me. I was alone here. I didn't have any friend here. I was watching out from window when Ghost started to bark. I fondled its head. I watched it for a short time. Then my phone rang. It was my cousin, Aslı. I missed her too, like i missed everybody. She is a pertty girl, one of my best friend. After i talked with her, I forgot my longing. She told me every gossip that i didn't hear. I laughed more than i talked. She is carzy! I told her Ghost. She wanted its photos. After our talk, i took Ghost and my photos and we walked to photographer. I suppressed our photos with my photos on my camera. I looked around for a park and i saw we were near to Dean's Yard that we were near as i could read its sign. We entered and i started to look my photos. I wasn't a photographer but my photos were nice.
My phone rang again. It was an unknown number. When i press yes button, i don't know why,  my heart was beating so fast. It was a young girl. I felt i'll take bad news and i was right. I talked to Aslı before half an hour and now she was in hospital. She told me my number was the least number in her daily talking. That's why the nurse called me. I couldn't stand to sit and i stood up. I looked Ghost. It was seeming sad like me. 'Come here Ghost. We're going.' I took it Lenobia. She was a Vet and she knows what i could do with Ghost. I told her everything when i go herside and she said 'Ok, Ghost may stay with me. I always love dogs. Go and look your cousin. When you come back, you take Ghost.' I felt myself so bad and i went out. While i was going i said myself 'I'll come here for you Ghost.' and i called my aunt.

When i told her Aslı, she couldn't say anything for a short time. When she talked her voice was so weak. I was sad for her. I went to hotel and i picked up  all my stuff. I went to airport with my suitcase. I took a ticket for half an hour later. I thought my first day here while i was waiting. I feeling so bad that day. Now i was worse. That i was behaving capriciously. Now i was worrying for my cousin. I asked myself, 'What happened? How could she fall in hospital? Is that an car crash?..' I took a deep breath when i stoop up for my plane. Passage couldn't finish for me. I hate that four hours. While i was going to Istanbul,  i was praying for my cousin. Finally i arrived and went to hospital with my suitcase. I couldn't think to go to home and give up it. I went to my family's side. They were bad but the worst my aunt. I hugged her. I asked my aunt:
 "What happened?"
"A car crush Sueda. It was a really bad car crush." She took a deep breath. I felt myself worse and worse. A nurse went out Aslı's room. She told us her operation passed fine. We were so pleased this. And she added we may see her an hour later. Short time before we were crying with sadness now we were crying happiness. My God, you're the biggest! That hour passed harder than four hours that i was in plane. Then, the hour passed and we came into the room.

Aslı was awake. She saw us and smiled. My pretty friend, was seeming tired. My aunt asked her daughter how happened the accident and Aslı started to tell us. "I was on my home way. It was evening. I bored and i thought London was in afternoon. So i could call Sueda and i could talk to her. We talked and i felt myself better. I saw a kitten that was sleeping next to a tree. I want to show that to Sueda as thanks. It was opposite the road and there wasn't traffic lights. I thought i may go there but i couldn't. A big and red car in fact jeep striked me. And i'm here." I hugged my cousin but it was hard because her chest was crushed. A nurse came into the room and said 'Miss Çağlayan will stay with us for a short time and she needs to have rest.' I linked my mother's arm and went out with big smiles on our faces. When i through in door, i looked Aslı and smiled. My sweet friend was fine. And she wasn't going to make me leave my next London journey undone.

Thanks For Reading!..

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